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12 Self-Care Ideas to Help Make Lockdown More Bearable

12 Self-Care Ideas to Help Make Lockdown More Bearable

Lockdown can be really tough for our mental health and wellbeing, especially since there often doesn’t seem like there’s an end in sight. You might be running out of ideas to keep you occupied, so here are some of our favourite things to do at home to destress, self-care or to just make better use of our time!


Treat yourself with a soothing bath

Run a bath, light a candle and drop in your favourite bath treats and let yourself relax. With the winter chill, a hot soothing bath is the perfect way to destress and let your worries wash away.


Declutter your space

Tidy space, tidy mind! Lockdown is a perfect time to clear out your closet and get rid of that shirt you haven’t worn in years. Declutter your home and give yourself more space to relax. Once you’ve done your cleanup, there are some great services like Clothing Cleanup in Sydney, who will come to you and do a contactless collection so you don’t have to go out! They collect all over Sydney and you just book online for the day they are in your area.


Create your own indoor oasis

After you’ve cleared some space, why not turn your home into your own oasis! Buy some indoor plants, light some candles, string up some fairy lights and get creative with your space.


Cook something new

Pull out a cookbook and make something you haven’t cooked before, or find a new recipe online to try! Step outside your cooking comfort zone and experiment in your kitchen.


Learn a new language

With all that new free time, why not teach yourself that language you’ve always wanted to learn, and maybe when we can finally travel, you can put that new skill to good use! Babbel and Duolingo are great apps available that make learning a new language a breeze!



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Take a stroll in nature

Absorbing nature is a great stress reliever and the best way to get outside those 4 walls! Rain or shine, enjoying our surroundings and mother earth is a way to give yourself some time to breathe. Try and find places nearby that are big spaces so you can social distance or visit an area that is likely to be more secluded like quiet beaches or parks.


Have an offline day

Constantly reading the news and endless time on social media can cause us more stress and anxiety. Why not designate a day to switch off your devices and spend your day living in the moment.


Have a watch-party with your friends

Tired of watching tv shows and movies alone at home? Why not set up a watch-party and enjoy it with friends instead!



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Do some baking

Nothing is more perfect than a freshly baked cookie on a winter day! Gather the ingredients for your favourite cookie or cake recipe and get baking, it’s a great stress reliever.


Learn a new skill

Always wanted to pick up a skill but never had the time? Lockdown is the perfect opportunity! Whether it’s learning piano, testing your green thumb, or learning to sew, why not give it a try.



Breathe in, breathe out…. Meditation is a really great way to relax physically and mentally. Take a few minutes out of your day to sit in a quiet place, clear your mind and practice mindfulness. Headspace is a great resource to help you meditate.



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Spend an afternoon relaxing with a book

Grab your favourite book or a book you’ve never read before and get reading. Get lost in your book, relax and spend some quiet time reading.


During this time it’s important to remember to prioritise yourself! Lockdown can put a strain on our mental well-being so remember to check up on friends and family and support each other through this difficult time.


Sources: Beauty News


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